Our vision as a church is to “help local people follow Jesus Christ”.
a. Our approach must reflect Christ’s welcome to all people.
All people of all ages, especially newcomers and guests, need to be put at ease and to feel welcome at our meetings and activities. Our public worship needs to speak God’s word and welcome, both in what we say and in what we do. We exist more for others than for ourselves.
b. We want everyone in Silverhill to discover that he or she can know God now.
Jesus died to give us eternal life, and we will look for appropriate ways of sharing this good news of God’s love with all local people. All need to see his ways in action, hear Christ’s call and respond. We must relate well with people and be effective in communicating the Christian faith.
c. We value children and young people very highly.
They need to experience the influence of the Christian community. We need to provide this for local children, and to support Christian families.
d. We intend to be shaped by the Bible, properly applied in our life.
We need personal discipline in reading and obeying the Bible; and we want the careful application of the Bible to be at the heart of every area of the church’s life.
e. We are determined to make prayer a priority in everything
– individually, in groups and as a church. We know that God works by his Holy Spirit when his people pray.
f. We are committed to the world church
– by informed praying, by supporting individuals, and by giving through mission agencies. We count it a privilege to serve, receive from, and work with the wider church, near and far.
g. We believe that everyone has a part to play in God’s work.
Every member of the church should be valued, inspired and equipped to grow as a Christian and to contribute as a team member in the church’s task. We pledge ourselves to work unitedly for God’s glory, not our own.
St Matthew’s beliefs are also expressed in the Church of England Evangelical Council’s Statement of Faith which can be found here.